· How can you become a more sustainable practitioner?
By recycling teaching material.. I just did it! I used previous years’ lecture presentations with full acknowledgment of the original author. Up to now, I would have felt uncomfortable doing this as I would have felt an obligation to write my own version of the lecture material.
I also had a discussion with some students who apologized for using text book material to explain moral development theory. The students thought that they should have used a wider range of resources to complete their assignment. However, what they did was the best option because they were able to use material that was relevant and appropriate for their topic.
· What sort of learning and teaching strategies meet your philosophy of sustainability?
Using existing textbook resources – in my course I have an online learning tool comprising quizzes which I could set up. I already use the classroom activities provided by the book.
Cut down on photocopying and paper waste. Maybe use electronic submission although I hate reading on screen!
Making the student workload more manageable for them by closer coordination with other theory and clinical papers.
Yes lots of sustainability happening here all right. What else do you do to ensure workloads are appropriate for the students? Perhaps more use of group work and peer assessment which counts towards the final grade would be an option. Also your plans for open education might also assist the sustainability of your teaching if you can collaborate with others in the tertiary education sector and/or share resources.