Flexible Learning Plan Template and Guidelines
IntroductionProvide an overview of what will be covered in the presentation.
What? What is FL in nursing?
Why? Why use it?
How? How will I use principles of flexible and adult learning in teaching my BN 509 course?
Define Flexible Learning in your context.
The School of Nursing uses ‘blended learning, a mixture of ‘stand up’ teaching and technology (Ireland et al., 2009). Blended learning provides the best of both conventional and online worlds (Heinz & Proctor, 2004). Technology provides the tool for flexibility. Learning involves face to face lectures, tutorials and workshops, classroom instruction, skills laboratories, simulations, role plays and on-line lectures.
Application of the five dimensions of flexibility (Casey and Wilson, 2005; Collis & Moonen, 2001).
Time: Relates to individual choice of time use – why, when, where, how, how much?
Some students have restricted study time – may be full-time parents and part-time workers. Having a course available online makes it easier to access materials and study when it is convenient to the individual person.
Content – Content can be presented in easily manageable chunks of work. Activities can be sequenced so that the learning progresses logically. A quiz can be built into the learning to check mastery of facts. Different media can be used to augment learning
Entry requirements – The BN programme has specific entry requirements. The minimum level of entry is a pass in three NCEA level 3 science subjects..
Instructional approach and resources: Flexible learning is student-centered. The student takes control over the time, pace and span of learning. The role of the instructor is to scaffold learning activities so that the learning outcomes can be achieved.
Delivery and logistics – Otago Polytechnic provides Moodle, en electronic learning platform. It is accessed by a student logon and password. It can be accessed on campus (for free) and from other places using (preferably) high speed broadband. The student has use whenever they desire. Teachers have to plan and prepare learning materials in advance so they are available when students need them.
AimState what you intend to achieve with the plan, in one or two sentences.
In this flexible learning plan I will develop an on-line learning module. The module will run over three weeks and include a range of learning activities. It will end with a classroom actitivity where students complete a role-play.
Background Describe the learning environment you work in.
The School of Nursing is working towards all staff and courses using ‘blended learning, a mixture of ‘stand up’ teaching and technology (Ireland et al., 2009). Blended learning incorporates aspects of flexible learning. It involves face to face lectures, tutorials and workshops, classroom instruction, skills laboratories, simulations, role plays and on-line lectures.
Each course In the Bachelor of Nursing (BN) degree programme provides factual and theoretical learning that is applied to clinical practice in a range of settings (e.g. medical, surgical, mental health nursing).
Nursing curricula and content is directed by the New Zealand Nursing Council and nurses must achieve vocational competencies. Courses are reviewed every three years to ensure they are meeting national standards. Learning outcomes for each course are reviewed as part of the external moderation process.
Outline the reasons flexibility is necessary, and the factors which have stimulated change.
The idea behind my plan is to reduce the number of face to face class time from five hours to a one and a half hour class at the end of the module. This was prompted by a number of factors:
Time: full-time students are completing 7 full-time courses over the first year of study. Three of these a ‘theory’ course and four involve regular 2 hour skills laboratory and clinical placement time. Clinical placement involved shift work and often travelling, sometimes out of Dunedin. Students become very tired and stressed during the times of clinical placement and often do not keep up with work on their theory paper.
The rationale for using a modular approach to learning is to allow students to time bank hours so that they can complete the module either in small parts, or in a larger block of time to suit themselves.
I see this as a win-win solution as it reduces the cost of using classrooms to the School of Nursing and provides a summative assessment of learning in the end of module activity. It also fits with EDC encouragement to use online tools and create more interactive and diverse resources of online learning. It fits with the Otago Polytechnic’s strategic vision of inspiring capability and life-long learning.
Concepts of Flexible Learning – Access and Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity
Provide a definition for each concept and the relevance in your professional context. .
Access and equity – means that all students, regardless of their diversity (differences in gender, age ethnicity), have an equal chance (inclusivity) to learn.
In practical terms this means that we need to take all these factors into account to ensure all students are included.
Explain how you will ensure all your learners can access the learning environment you have created
All students have access to Moodle. Training and IT support is available through student support services. Support is also available for students with visual or hearing disabilities. I will ensure that my Moodle site is easy to read, uses a large font, has clear instructions, contains a mix of visual and aural media files and meets the standards defined by the Otago Polytechnic.
I will use research on learning to inform my practice. In a recent study of nurses and midwives learning preference styles, it was found that kinesthetic learning was the most preferred and aural learning the least preferred learning mode (James, D’Amore & Thomas, 2011). This means educators should use as many kinds of kinesthetic learning methods as possible. These include – hands-on, lab work, demonstrations, interactive simulations, role plays. (I will use role plays in my end of module classroom activity).
Aural learning was the least favoured meaning that traditional lectures and tutorials involving speech and listening may not be the best methods. No significant differences for gender or age were found but visual learning was important for those who had no healthcare experience.
Concepts of Flexible Learning: Open Education and SustainabilityProvide a definition for each concept and the relevance in your professional context.
Open education is about the open (usually free) use of resources. Some examples include YouTube videos, Massive Online Learning Courses, Blogs, and Wikis. In nursing, short instructional DVDs are used to demonstrate clinical skills. These have been made by School of Nursing staff and are on a shared OP site for nursing students to access. They may also purchase a DVD. I am thinking about developing video resources for demonstrating and role modeling therapeutic communication skills. For example, the situation of a nurse establishing good rapport when taking a person’s health history.
Sustainability is development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. It is about protecting and preserving resources particularly, self, time, money and technology.
Outline the strategies you intend to use to ensure these concepts are addressed.
I will use appropriate YouTube content and will encourage students to use a course wiki where they can place information and resources related to course work. We will also set up a course glossary. I will use resources provided with the text book and any other free on line material.
Online resources are cost effective and reusable. There is however a set up cost (staff time) and ongoing maintenance and evaluation of the course.
I will try to conserve money, resources and time when setting up my course. I can save time by getting help with IT parts of the course, e.g., setting up a quiz or game. I can reuse resources that are already there and I can look for other resources such as those available on TED, online TV sites (the ABC has some good short social science TV shows that I have used before). I have found a wide range of other psychology sites with helpful interactive resources. These include online personality and emotional intelligence tests which students may find interesting to do.
I also read an article by Goodman (2011) about teaching the concept of sustainability – particularly climate change, in the nursing curriculum. This topic could be part of a group research topic.
Overview of Strategies Summarise the approach you will use to ensure flexibility in the learning environment, and the importance for your organisation.
As a teacher I will embrace technology and make greater use of online free resources.
I will develop the second part of my course into modules – same content organised into module topic and each module spread over a longer time.
Each module will end with a classroom role play activity and debrief.
Adult educational theory Outline the adult educational theory on which you have based your plan.
Role pay in nursing is a kind of simulation which is underpinned by Kolb’s experiential learning (Peddle, 2011).
Experiential learning theory promotes that learning results from the coming together of experience of a certain quality with meaningful reflection. Simulation allows students to make safe mistakes, they can practice in a situation that replicates form real-life situation (being told your child has been in a car accident and is seriously injured) or process (e.g., grief, coming to terms with having cancer). Through experiential learning, the simulation activity can be used to bring students to higher levels of expertise in nursing practice (Kilmon, Brown, Ghosh, & Mikitur, 2010).
Experiential learning is underpinned by adult learning principles on which the learning is active and engaging. It uses the personal lived experience of the learner and has real work place relevance.
The use of simulation is further supported by constructivist theory where learners create their own meaning through interaction with the environment.
Learning is focused on the student and the student is immersed in the activity and though interaction and conversation within a community of practice, the student modifies, develops and grows knowledge of what to do in this kind of situation.
The resultant learning is the transformation of that experience through guided debriefing that explores and examines the experience. This provides the foundation for new learning which is active and holistic.
Role-plays are a well established way of teaching basic therapeutic communication skills and interventions in nursing (Chunta & Katrancha, 2010; Kuipers & Clemens, 1998: Zsohar & Smith, 2008).
Nurses can write case studies or scenarios are usually derived from nurses’ own clinical experiences. Scripts are drafted out and then revised to a detailed script that includes verbal exchanges, behaviours and non-verbal actions. Next the role-play is developed in a context (e.g., a clinical or community situation) with or without props. Educators should then practice the role play until it can be done without a script. The role-play can then be done by the educators in class - or for consistency of content and emphasis, a DVD can be made of them performing the roles for students to watch.
Alternatively, a number of different roles (client, nurse, relative) can be written and given to students who then act out the role-play in small groups. One or more students may observe the interactions. All members then should go through a guided debrief so that the learning outcomes form the activity can be evaluated. Role plays can be developed and reused during the course. New material or situations can be added to provide variety. After initial set up time, this is sustainable practice.
The content could be assessed in a number of different ways. (Thanks for feedback from Bronwyn Hegarty)
Each group could work on one of the scenarios and report back to the other groups on the discussion forum.
Groups could video their role plays and invite feedback from another group.
The videos (or pre recorded) videos could be put on Play.op.ac.nz and critique and feedback could be done on the discussion forum.
Assessment – a written reflection or a verbal reflection – the group discussing the feedback and recording it on an mp3 recorder. Alternatively, the audacity programme could be used on a laptop computer.
Concepts of Flexible Learning: Cultural Sensitivity & Indigenous Learners
Provide a definition for this concept and the relevance in your professional context.
Provide a definition for this concept and the relevance in your professional context.
Indigenous people are ethnic groups (e.g the Maori people) who live in a geographical area (in Aoteroroa) with which they have the earliest known connection. In the contemporary context, indigenous people, often have lower socio-economic status, higher unemployment, lower health status and educational attainment. Because of colonization and the disenfranchisement of indigenous people, as educators, we should strive to provide equal opportunity for learning for those identifying as Maori.
Outline aspects of the Maori Strategic Framework which underpin your approach.
Flexible learning allows the teacher to provide flexibility for all students. However, indigenous learners may need more help and support in certain areas. Kate Timms-Dean presented a model of learner centred discourse Te Whare Tapa Wha that is applicable to understanding the needs of Maori students. It represents a holistic model of learning comprised of the following four parts:
Wairua (Spiritual) – do I believe that I can do this? Make course outlines explicit, explain the learning environment and support systems that may help a student – e.g in affirmative action or educational assistance in gaining entry to a programme.
Tinana (physical) - do I have the resources? As course coordinator I can point out specific support systems – Maori and Pacifica Services on campus. I can ask or arrange for senior students to mentor junior students in my course and in the BN programme.
Hinengaro (cognition) – can I cope? I can provide positive reinforcement, prompt feedback, constructive reviews of written work; provide opportunities’ to submit work in oral or visual media.
Whanau (family and social support) – do I have the support of my family to do this course? I will maintain confidentiality about student progress and direct enquiries and issues to the appropriate liaison people in the School.
Neal and Collier (2006) in their paper on Maori in e-learning note the importance of educators and students working together, using wikis, blogs and discussion forums to build an online forum and community whose aim is to generate greater knowledge. This fits in with the ideal goal of sustainability in education. Role plays may also work to achieve this aim.
Conclusion: Round off the presentation with a concluding remark and a “where to from here” statement
Using Zsohar and Smith’s (2008) principles for management of online courses, I will remember that:
Developing and managing online course are time-intensive activities – one module at a time!
I will evaluate the first module before moving on.
I must provide:
clear guidelines and deadlines
individual and group activities
immediate relevant and continuous feedback
exciting ways to engage the learner to promote active learning.
Above all else, I must look after myself!
Module 1, second semester this year, Module 2 at the end of year prep time……
Casey, J. and Wilson, P. (2005). A practical guide to providing flexible learning in further and higher education.
Collis, B. and Moonen, J. (2001). Flexible learning in a digital world. Open and distance learning series. London: Kogan Page ltd.
Chunta, K. and Katrancha, E. D. (2010). Using problem-based learning in staff development. Strategies for teaching registered nurses and new graduate nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(12), pp 557-564.
Goodman, B, (2011). The need for a ‘sustainability curriculum’ in nurse education. Nurse Education Today (2011), doi:10.1016/j.net.2010.12.010.
Heinze, A. & C. Procter (2004). Reflections on the use of blended learning. Education in a Changing Environment. University of Salford: Salford, Education Development Unit.
Ireland, J., Martindale, S., Johnson, N., Adams, D., Eboh, W., and Mowatt, E. (2009). Blended learning in education: effects on knowledge and attitude. British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 18(2), pp 124-130.
James, S., D’Amore, A., Thomas, T. (2011). Learning preferences of first year nursing and midwifery students : Utilising VARK. Nurse Education Today, 31, pp 417-423.
Kilman, C. A., Brown, L. Ghosh, S., Mikitiuk, A. (2010). Immersive virtual simulations in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(5), pp 314-317.
Kuipers, J. C., Clemens, D. L (1998). Do I dare? Using role-play as a teaching strategy. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing. 36(7), pp 12-16.
McGuiness, T. M. (2004) Top 10 reasons to take your graduate program in psychiatric nursing ONLINE. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services. 42(12), pp 33- 38.
Neal, T., and Collier, H. (2006). Weaving kaupapa Maori and e-learning. Journal of Maori and Pacific Development, 7, pp 68-43.
(Peddle, M. (2011). Simulation gaming in nurse education: entertainment or learning? Nurse Education Today (2011). Doi:10.1016/j.net.2010/12/009. .
Zsohar, H. and Smith, J. A. (2008). Transition from the classroom to the Web: Successful strategies for teaching online. Nursing Education Perspectives, 29(1.) pp 23-28.
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